An Ecclesiastes Perspective on Life!

An Ecclesiastes Perspective on Life!
The purpose of this blog is to simply talk about my life experiences and reflect on how we tend to make meaningless things bigger than they really are. Read Ecclesiastes for the context.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Verse 2: "Summer, Winter, Springtime, and Harvest..."

"Summer, Winter, Springtime, and Harvest...Great is thy Faithfulness" the lyrics to the 2nd verse of one of my favorite hymns Great is thy Faithfulness comes to mind as I enter into 2010.

It seems like I've heard more than ever this year a general sentiment of 2009 being a rough year. Its funny...for me, I cant put my lips around saying the year was "bad". So in the last 365 days, I have literally and figuratively personally experienced every season. Emotionally, this year was a huge roller coaster. There was stress, death, sickness, happiness, new songs, fun, disappointment...and my life experiences were all over the place.

I had so many first timers that I experienced. First time as an adult losing an immediate family member and dealing with family grief closely; new emotions. First time dealing with my mother in the hospital and battling serious illness; new emotions. First time being unemployed; new emotion. First time as a fiance; new emotions. However, I've learned so each season, there was a consistency of contentment. More than ever, I've been challenged to trust in the sovereignty of God. In every tough time, I've seen more than ever, the lessons revealed through the situation. For every battle, there has been victory and while some times were tough, the joy of God's revelation was strength! I truly thank God for eyes to see and ears to hear revelation of His sovereignty in every situation.

In 2010, I feel more equipped than ever to be content with whatever season I'm in. While prosperity, good times, and material blessings would be great, I've found more and more that it's all meaningless. So much is temporal...yet I've spent so much to chase that which blows like the wind...literally all comes and goes. This year, I'm chasing God...His love, joy, peace and consistency.

Just like in the bible days, when God revealed a part of His character, biblical figures called Him by that name. For 2009, I call God Consistent. And as I've learned this part of his character and attempt to be more like Him, in my stretch to be more like Christ this year, I plan to be more consistent and disciplined in 2010!

God, help me to be more like you. It is my desire to learn more of your character and identify with the totality of who you are. I, now more than ever, know you to be consistent. Lord, please help me to be more consistent in all areas of my life; in relationship with you and with others, in ministry, in personal development, in helping others, in pursuit of purpose. Help me stay focused on me bringing you Glory. Convict me, control me, and cover me. In Jesus name, Amen.

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